Cilt: 14 Sayı: 72, 29.03.2024

Yıl: 2024


Aim of the Journal

Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, published by Turkish Psychological Counselling and Guidance Association (Turkish PCG-Association) is an international peer-reviewed journal.

Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal aims to contribute to the psychological well-being, happiness and development of the society. Therefore, the journal attaches importance to the following:

  • Helping individuals, families and psychological counselling professionals to develop within the scope of foundation purposes and social responsibility policies of Turkish PCG-Association, a non-governmental organization.
  • Contributing to the development of Psychological Counselling and Guidance and helping to bring solutions to the current problems.
  • Hosting the theoretical and practical research about psychological counselling and guidance needs of individuals and especially of children and teens.
  • Contributing to the psychological well-being of every individual in our country and the world, supporting personal and educational development, helping with career planning, providing family counselling and guidance, hosting scientific research that will contribute to the development of psychological counselors’ professional skills and knowing the individual better.
  • Disseminating the academic studies that benefit the professional development of the counselors and academicians who present tangible solutions to problems in their field at all stages of education from pre-school to higher education and that work mainly at Ministry of Education, and institutions like Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Famiy and Social Policies, Turkish Labour Agency and private psychological counselling centers.
  • Promoting and maintaining international and inter-disciplinary cooperations to help counsellors with their professional development and better quality education.

!! From 30 November 2023, English language proofreading will be required for accepted articles to ensure language quality. 

Focus and Scope

The publication focus of the Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal is improving psychological counselling and guidance at schools, providing better quality psychological counselling and guidance education, supporting the improvement of those working in this field, production and transfer of innovation and producing joint content together with related disciplines. The Journal prioritizes assuming the role of a mediator in the production of a sustainable development and shared wisdom for psychological counselling and guidance which gains more and more importance both in Turkey and the world.

Moreover, within the scope of its aims, Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal focuses on studies that help school counselors to get more professional, serve as a bridge between theory and practice by contributing directly to school PCG applications, provide a new approach to holistic PCG services in school and ecosystem of societies, evaluate the local and current problems of Turkish PCG in its own context and make international comparisons, help the methodology and research potential of PCG to grow, contribute to the development of professional principles, values, responsibilities and ethical codes, contribute to the development of equipment, applications and methods to be used by PCG professionals,are aimed to increase the intellectual and scientific accumulation in the field of PCG In addition to these, the following types of studies are also within the publication scope of Turkish PCG Journal:

  • Studies that develop applications and evaluate fundamental problems in education with respect to psychological counselling and guidance in preschool, primary and secondary school levels and that.
  • Studies helping PCG professionals in active work and other professionals to improve their competencies and to develop training strategies. Studies that scrutinize education models, aiming that future school counselors/psychological counselors become better qualified professionals.
  • Studies that include innovation and applied research in personal, educational and professional counselling and guidance.
  • Studies including meta-analysis, content analysis, profile analysis and conducted with big research groups or samples.
  • Studies that develop and evaluate a new model or strategy for psychological counselling and guidance even if in theory.
  • Studies that develop and support family counselling and guidance.
  • Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies.
  • Research about the development of quality research tools that can be used in academic research or PCG applications at schools.
  • Research that analyze individual differences and development processes.Technology integration studies helping to improve PCG applications.

Limitations and Returned Applications

Studies conducted in the areas indicated below are out of the scope of Turkish Psychological Counselling and Guidance Journal, and they are not accepted for review:

  • Studies that are related only with clinical applications or directly with Psychiatry.
  • Studies that solely focus on content about sociology or social services.
  • Studies that ignore the priorities and needs of PCG even if they relate educational history or philosophy with behavioral sciences.
  • Research that does not bear a direct relation to psychological counselling and guidance services at schools although it may be conducted on candidate teachers and psychological well-being.
  • Research that does not contribute directly to PCG applications despite the fact that it uses psychology concepts and is conducted on samples selected from Nursing, Police and Forensic matters etc. 

!! From 30 November 2023, English language proofreading will be required for accepted articles to ensure language quality. 

!! From 30 November 2023, English language proofreading will be required for accepted articles to ensure language quality.

The Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal follows the recommendations of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 7th Edition) and it is required that all manuscripts adhere to APA style 7.

The Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal is published in English.

There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this Journal.

!! From 30 November 2023, English language proofreading will be required for accepted articles to ensure language quality.